Thursday, September 13, 2012

Organic Bedding for Baby

Your baby will likely spend a lot of time in their crib or sleeping space. It is important to use organic bedding for your baby so that they are not breathing in the chemicals that are used to treat materials other than organic.

I read some professional journal articles years ago that hypothesized that SIDS may be related to the chemicals that were used to process the crib mattresses and/or the bedding itself. It is a scary proposition but not really that far fetched.

My grandson Trenton suffers terribly from allergies. It started with a cow milk allergy (I try to preach to my daughters about the evils of cows milk but you can only advise so much) and it has literally snow balled out of control. He is now allergic to not only cows milk but every product that comes from cows. Likely he is allergic to many more things because he constantly suffers from different ailments.

Anyway to minimize risk you should minimize exposure! Spending a few extra dollars to insure your babies safety seems well worth it to me.

Here is an organic coco mat mattress at a steal! Coco Mat Organic Crib Mattress An organic pad for the mattress giggle Better Basics Organic Cotton Mattress Pad and one other organic mattress
giggle Better Basics Organic Cotton Crib Mattress
 Fun print crib blanket also completely organic!

Knit Blanket - Orange (Organic Cotton) giggle 

Better Basics Striped Receiving Blanket (Organic Cotton)

Cuddly soft receiving blanket! This great little blanket comes in an array of colors!
giggle Better Basics Fitted Striped Crib Sheet - Pink (Organic Cotton) Also comes in many different colors!

 I absolutely adore this! I wanted my babies within arms distance and this is a great way to allow baby to sleep in plain site wherever you are. Of course you can only uses this for baby until they are about 10 weeks old, but after baby is done it makes a great catch all for stuffed toys, baby clothes or other items that you need to store but have easy access to!

Baby Moses Basket (Organic)

It was always important to me what my babies skin was exposed to. These organic bedding options can help you keep your baby safe and chemical free! Organic bedding is an easy way to protect your baby and keep them safe while they sleep!

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