Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Organic Baby Options

There are a lot of baby options for toys and baby gear but there are surprisingly not a lot of organic options. I struggle with the why of it all. There are plenty of little niche companies that cater to the Organic loving public but unfortunately they are a little pricey.

Most people want to pay less and as long as the organic items are sought after by only a section of the population ( I like to think the enlightened section) manufacturers are not going to respond to the demand until it is high enough! 

There are some things you can do to offset the additional cost of Organic items for the nursery and baby:

  • Buy less- this seems like a no brainer but sometimes it has to be said. It is far better to have a few good pieces of organic clothing than it is to have a wardrobe of off the wrack dyed, sprayed with chemicals and utterly harmful clothing. 
  • Buy second hand-although the organic movement is not big enough to motivate manufacturers it is big enough to produce slightly used clothing that you can buy second hand.
  • Use coupons-Low VOS paint at Lowe's Home Improvement often is on sale and you can even find coupons for it! 
The rewards that your baby will get out of being a GreenBabe is well worth the few extra dollars you will have too squeeze out of your budget. 

You can find some organic options here that are very affordable:


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