Monday, September 3, 2012

Naturally Fed

Each generation has different feelings about breast feeding. For example my mother never would have put her breast in my mouth and I have fed all six of my children by breast. My mother's generation was far too removed from child birth to even consider that babies need not only the milk part but the warmth part.  I love my mom she did a great job but that is not the point.

The point is that the pendulum swings back and forth on breast feeding. It is natural baby food. If you want to start your babies life out organically well breast milk is as organic as you can get! Breast feeding is not the easiest road to take, it can be a bit scary at first but I don't think it is any scarier than actually having a new baby to take care of for the first time.

There is a lot of instruction on how to breast feed "right". The instruction talks about the right latching on technique and how long a breast fed baby should suckle on each breast. When I had my first baby I was young super young and I decided to breast feed. The nurse that came in to help me told me  I should ping the baby on the feet if she fell asleep during nursing. I was completely appalled by this advice and  frankly 30 years later I still am.

The fact of the matter is many mothers choose not to nurse because they are afraid they will mess things up. They are afraid their baby will not get enough to eat. The reality is babies tend to know better than we do when they are hungry and when they need to eat. You see their drive is driven by reflex as newborns not by any real desire.

It can be a challenge in the beginning but if you can stick with it for one week, you and your baby will find your own personal groove. You and your baby will become so connected that your body will respond by producing milk the minute your baby starts to cry. Your baby will learn to recognize your smell. Breast feeding is a magical time, a time you can never get back.

Relax your baby is forgiving every new mom struggles a bit the baby will appreciate that you are feeding her/him the food that is specially designed just for him/her and will respond by spitting up less, suffering from less ear infections and other childhood maladies.

Start your babies life organically!

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