Monday, September 10, 2012

Baby Carriers

I found three organic baby carriers made with organic cotton to keep your babies skin from being irritated. I love these carriers. I am all about staying as close to baby as you can during those very important first months.

A lot of people mistakenly believe that if they carry their baby around that they will spoil the child. There is nothing further from the truth. It is your job as a parent to make your baby feel secure and safe. Imagine being thrust out into the world unexpectedly and finding yourself alone for many hours each day after being tucked away comfortably for almost 10 months! That has got to be a drag.

Having a baby carrier is a great way to still get things done but keep baby close. I promise you as a mother of 6 adult children that all slept in a family bed until they no longer wanted to by the time your baby is 7 or so they will be independent thinkers that will not want to spend that time cuddling. Hang on to them as long as you can and keep them as close as you can before you know it you will be trying to hang on to grandkids!

Great carriers100% organic and well made!
Stokke MyCarrier (Organic Cotton)

  BabyBjorn Organic Active Carrier (Organic Cotton)

Not a carrier but nice to have:

BabyBjorn Organic Babysitter Balance (Organic Cotton)

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