Sunday, September 9, 2012


Here is the thing about antibiotics, they are good in moderation! Just like anything else in life antibiotics are good in moderation when you start over doing them you are in trouble! I never fed my kids cow's milk because of the antibiotics and other reasons (those reasons are for another post).

I was taught by my mother who was an alternative type of healer, that your natural flora has a way of working things out for you! When you douse your body with antibiotics you are not only killing the bad bacteria but you are killing the good bacteria as well.

Children that are taking antibiotics often wind up with raging yeast infections in their diaper area. This is a side effect of antibiotics. Now I am not preaching not to use them, they are helpful when NECESSARY and here is where the medical community and myself digress.

When my children were little it was a very common practice for doctors to prescribe antibiotics even if an ear infection or strept was suspected. I take real issue with that. I always demanded confirmation of the infection BEFORE starting the antibiotics. They looked at me like I was nuts. I looked right back at them as if they were the nuts.

Today kids are exposed to antibiotics in cows milk, in beef and pork and by their doctors! Too much of anything is not good. New strains of the old child hood diseases have evolved. Tougher to beat bacteria is showing up all because that helpful medicine has been over prescribed.

I am a proponent of home remedies first, doctors second.

  • let the baby burn a fever for 24 hours (it is the bodies way of getting rid of the bug)
  • use cool compresses to make baby comfortable
  • A little Vicks vapor rub goes a long way in breaking up congestion.
  • Saline (salt and water) nasal spray can wash the sinuses easily

 I am also a proponent of the products from Forces of Nature. You can find the Forces of Nature products at Whole Food Stores nationwide and you can use this coupon to order online!

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