Saturday, September 15, 2012

Organic Baby Food

 Is your baby ready for solids? There are simple ways to tell if your baby is ready to eat! Your baby is big on body language. When your baby is ready to eat one of the prime signs is that they will watch you while you chew and mimic the action.

Another sign is if your baby is sitting up unassisted. These signs are body language to let you know "I am ready bring on the food!". Of course you never want to give your baby anything processed. Making your own baby food is the best way to go and it is super easy. You can make batches of it and freeze it for later use. Invest in a good blender and use it to create organic homemade baby food!

Babies need to start out with single ingredient foods. There little tummies are not ready for anything too hard to digest right now. Most pediatricians recommend something like rice cereal to start off with. Next it is usually add a fruit to the diet. Veggies are next, than a bit down the road protein. Each new food that you introduce should be introduced in small doses for at least three days in a row to insure that no allergies crop up.

I like this product as a way to store your homemade food and breast milk:
Fresh Baby's Baby Food/Breast Milk Tray Fresh Baby's Baby Food/Breast Milk Tray
For Baby Food & Breast Milk Description : For Baby Food & Breast Milk ? So Easy! ? Bisphenol ?A Free ? Phthalate-Free ? PVC-Free Designed for freezing homemade baby food in single servings and freezing breast milk in one-ounce (30 ML) cubes. ? Defrost what you need with no waste ? Spillproof lids eliminate freezer burn & odors ? Each tray makes 12 one-ounce (30 ml) servings ? Stackable & dishwasher safe.

Another great product to help you get started (this also makes a great shower gift!):
Fresh Baby's So Easy Baby Food Kit Fresh Baby's So Easy Baby Food Kit
Quick & Easy Description : Make Baby Food In Only 30 Minutes A Week ? Quick & Easy ? Make it Natural ? Make it Fresh ? Kit Includes: Cookbook, 2 Freezer Trays, How-To Video, and Nutrition Card So Easy Baby Food Kit Water proof finish makes it perfect for the kitchen counter.

A great cookbook also is helpful!
Fresh Baby's So Easy Cookbook 2ND Edition Fresh Baby's So Easy Cookbook 2ND Edition
Cookbook/Workbook Description : The Fresh Start Cworkbook is a combination cookbook and workbook that provides parents with an easy-to-follow, personalized guide to making baby food at home. It is fun, easy and convenient to make baby food at home. The Fresh Start Cworkbook will show you how to do it in less than 30 minutes per week. The Cworkbook includes recipes for over 40 fruits, vegetables and protein sources and feeding information including: Healthy eating habits Benefits of homemade baby food Introducing solid foods Dietary essentials for babies Making and serving Fresh Baby food Kitchen tools Safety basics Food choices Fresh Baby to go Managing your time Using the workbook space in the Fresh Start Cworkbook enables you to record feeding information, such as food allergies, and dates foods were introduced. The Fresh Start Cworkbook is all you need to keep track of your baby's feeding program. "Fresh Start CWorkbook" has been proven to be effective on your health system. For more information about Fresh Baby 's Fresh Start CWorkbook please read "Supplement Fact" below provided by the manufacturer.

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